ALL-LOCAL - Effective knowledge transfer and capacity building in senior society
Amount of support: HUF 50,000,000
Aid intensity: 100%
Beneficiary: Educators' Centre Association / Nevelők Háza Egyesület
Duration: 02/01/2018 - 31/01/2020
Presentation of the project
Topic area: Lifelong learning
Target group: the aging and the elderly
Target area (territorial):
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia
- Poland
- Hungary
Target area (professional):
- Disseminating a health-conscious lifestyle;
- Knowledge transfer-type services;
- Volunteering - as a form of learning;
- Intergenerational collaborations
The long-term goal of the project
1. In Pécs and Baranya counties, increase the active, healthy age of the aging (50+) and elderly age groups by broadening the local practice of “lifelong learning” in order to reduce stressful health and social problems with increasing working age, reduce educational inequalities between the generations and strengthen social inclusion.
2. Expansion of the service practices of “lifelong learning” aimed at the aging and elderly age group of people, development of the working methods, new methodological solutions, spread of good practices operating in Pécs and in Baranya county.
The immediate goal of the project is to develop with the cooperation of four organizations in four countries that have significant professional experience in the lifelong learning service models for aging and the elderly in
- promoting a health-conscious lifestyle;
- knowledge transfer type services;
- volunteering as a form of ‘lifelong’ learning, and
- intergenerational collaborations and forms of learning;
as a result of –
- analytical experience gained in connection with service practices,
- better understanding of the barriers to the spread of service practices or other professional problems,
- collection of new methods, good practices, knowledge expansion, networking –
1. Professional recommendations, suggestions, concrete methodological samples should be formulated regarding the possibilities of expanding the services, solving the problems experienced in the service practice.
2. There should be a "repository of good practice" with a wide range, tested at a methodological and practical level and with recommendations for their adaptation.
3. The professional network of international and domestic service organizations established through the development of cooperation should function as a professional support network through mutual learning and gaining experience.
Alignment of the objectives with the policy environment and the specific objectives set out in the call
The objectives of the project are in line with the objectives of the call for getting to know international experiences and good practices, developing recommendations for domestic application;
Among the interventions of the call, the project fits into the:
- networking of cultural non-governmental organizations and institutions in order to preserve and nurture multicultural diversity, expand the content of cooperation, strengthen exchanges of experience
- the development of a complex opportunity-creating social catching-up model and the joint implementation of corresponding pilot programs.